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(영어 원서) 신약성경

(영어 원서) 신약성경 The King James Version of the Bible 흠정영역성경 (欽定英譯聖經) Matthew/Mark/Luke/Saint John Acts/Romans/Corinthians 1/Corinthians 2 Galatians/Ephesians/Philippians/Colossians Thessalonians 1/Thessalonians 2/Timothy 1/Timothy 2 Titus/Philemon/Hebrews/James Peter 1/Peter 2/John 1/John 2/John 3 Jude/The Revelation of Saint John the Devine
(영어 원서) 신약성경

The King James Version of the Bible
흠정영역성경 (欽定英譯聖經)

Matthew/Mark/Luke/Saint John
Acts/Romans/Corinthians 1/Corinthians 2
Thessalonians 1/Thessalonians 2/Timothy 1/Timothy 2
Peter 1/Peter 2/John 1/John 2/John 3
Jude/The Revelation of Saint John the Devine
*편집: 영어성경연구회

<출처 및 인용>
The King James Version of the Bible

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